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Up until now a professional player’s season is made of individual stroke play tournaments. We give players the opportunity to compete differently.
If players desire to do so, they can make the choice to represent a team playing with their teammates and competing in match play.
Players, male and female, coaches, golf courses, and fans finally get the opportunity to become ONE and turn into a professional sports team, sharing values, goals, experiences… and sweat in victories as well as defeats.
A team’s lineup for any regular tournament is 6 professional players (4 men and 2 women).
Players as well as Teams will rank in stars to differentiate the favourites from the underdogs. Who will you cheer for?
The League will start in Europe.
Everything is amplified, players' emotions and fans' engagement. The power of attraction increases.
It’s more dynamic and plays faster. There is more drama with wins and losses, more celebrations and display of emotions in general. Plus incredible business opportunities...
On the best golf courses in Europe first, and then in the world.